What is Nuclear Wrestling

Many of you are probably wondering, if this is a website about Kansas wrestling, then why the name Nuclear Wrestling. Well, the name and idea of Nuclear Wrestling was actually dreamed up about 10 years ago from a group of middle schoolers. At this time, another large wrestling production company and web site was doing (and still is doing) quite well. My middle school aged son and a bunch of his wrestling buddies were at our house discussing the good and the bad of this other company and how they could do it better. Like typical middle schoolers they had it all figured out (actually, they had some great ideas). Then, what to name their company came up. They came up with several names but the one that stuck and the name they decided on was Nuclear Wrestling. So, in honor of those young guys, I have stolen their name and idea.

The plan for Nuclear Wrestling is to promote wrestling in Kansas. Kansas has great high school wrestlers but since there is no Division 1 Wrestling program in the state of Kansas, I believe many great wrestlers from Kansas get overlooked. I also believe that many of our great high school wrestlers do not get the exposure because Kansas has a low population and many rural areas. Through Nuclear Wrestling I would like to help bring more exposure to Kansas High School Wrestling by providing articles and streaming Kansas Wrestling Events.

I also plan to use Nuclear Wrestling to help improve wrestling in Kansas. High school wrestling is strong in Kansas, but there is always room for improvement. I believe wrestling in Kansas can increase its fan base, but to do that the sport needs to evolve and become more fan friendly. Fans want to see constant action and points scored, not stalling, going out of bounds, and trying to “not lose.” I also believe fans want to see more consistency, less judgment, and clear cut rules. I plan to use internet articles, online discussions, and video productions on Nuclear Wrestling. Most of the content will be from a coach’s and or father’s view, because that is what I know. However, I hope (actually plan) all sides of the wrestling community will get involved in discussions including coaches, referees, parents, athletes, fans and more.

Go Team Kansas!

13 thoughts on “What is Nuclear Wrestling”

  1. Awesome! I look forward to the expansion! Anything I can do to help please let me know!

    1. Much needed area of coverage. I am thinking of the opportunity to do play by play on track cast at track wrestling events. I have received positive feedback on some of my wrestling bouts. I love P.A. At wrestling tournaments and help keep the wrestling tournament flowing in a timely manner. Middle School bouts are exciting to call and I really enjoy. Greg if this something or somewhere I can help you. ❤️ to help. My journalism degree is ok for writing about wrestling if you need assistance.

      1. Coach Gonzales, those young middle schoolers saw the need 10 years ago. I am just glad I have the time and energy to do this now. I just hope this dumb old wrestling coach is smart enough to figure out all the technology to make my visions a reality.
        I would to call some matches with you and have you write articles for nuclearwrestling.com in the future!

  2. This is great! The tough wrestling states typically have their own publication (W.I.N., The Predicament, etc). I hope this could be ours for sure.

    1. Thank you Coach Lueders. I hope NuclearWrestling can do its part in helping to grow the sport of wrestling in Kansas along with other great people and organizations.

  3. Anthony Whetstone

    So excited for Nuclear Wrestling to finally move from just an idea to a live website!!!

  4. Good for you….seeing a need and taking the initiative to meet that need. Lots of great kids in this State. If The County can help in any way, we are in.

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